
quantum cosmology中文是什么意思

  • 量子宇宙论
  • 量子宇宙学



  • 例句与用法
  • With the general formality of the lagrange of the quantum cosmology , we gain the wheeler - de witt equation under the constraint conditions , we also give the concrete expressions of the wheeler - de witt equation according to different
    依据一般情况下量子宇宙拉氏量的表示,给出了在约束条件下wheeler - dewitt方程的一般形式,并对当的不同形式给出了其对应的wheeler - dewitt方程的具体表达式。
  • The thesis gives the background acknowledges and the developing procedure of the cosmological theory , summarizes the viewpoints in the standard cosmological model and the confirmations from observing experiments . and the thesis sums the problems in the standard cosmological model and the inflation theory that can solve these problems . the thesis also discusses the origin of the universe and the theory of quantum cosmology
    <中文摘要> =本文综述了宇宙学的提出过程及其背景知识,概述了目前的主要的宇宙学模型? ?标准宇宙学模型的主要观点和观测证据,并总结了标准宇宙学模型中存在问题及为解决这些问题而提出的暴涨宇宙学理论。
  • 百科解释
In theoretical physics, quantum cosmology is a field attempting to study the effect of quantum mechanics on the formation of the universe, or its early evolution, especially just after the Big Bang. Despite many attempts, such as the Wheeler-deWitt equation, and more recently loop quantum cosmology, the field remains a rather speculative branch of quantum gravity.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
quantum cosmology的中文翻译,quantum cosmology是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译quantum cosmology,quantum cosmology的中文意思,quantum cosmology的中文quantum cosmology in Chinesequantum cosmology的中文quantum cosmology怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
